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Vine Tee-Pee
You will need:
Poles, straight tree branches or trunks, or stakes.
Climbing vine seeds (pole beans, runner beans or tall peas; peas will grow better early in the season, beans for summer time)
Something for floor of Tee-Pee such as old vinyl tablecloth, straw, etc.
Have an adult help you get the poles or stakes into the ground, pounding them in deep enough to hold in the wind, forming a Tee-Pee shape with them slanting towards each other in the center. Keep one side open enough for a doorway.
Take your twine, starting at the doorway and wrap it around each pole or stake continuing to go around the Tee-Pee. Tie this off at the other side of the doorway. Continue to wrap twine around the poles all the way up spacing the twine about every several inches, (5" to 7").
You might need some vertical twine pieces depending on how many poles you put in the ground. If you do, tie a piece of twine at the top, work your way down wrapping the twine around the horizontal twine as you go.
If you need to secure your Tee-Pee to the ground further use something like tent pegs or bent coat hangers.
Plant your seeds around the outside of the Tee-Pee spacing them about 1" to 2" apart. Don't plant seeds where your doorway is.
As the plants grow coax them to climb where you need them to go, such as helping them fill in the area above the door.
Put down some kind of flooring in your Tee-Pee.
Eat your beans or peas when you go out to use your Tee-Pee. YUMMMM!