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Beneficial Insects,
Spiders, & other Critters
Your yard has it's
own little eco-system and you can either help it remain healthy and in balance
or, with the use of herbicides and pesticides, the balance can be thrown off
kilter. You need beneficials to keep pest populations under control. When the beneficials are doing their job
in your eco-system you won't have many pest problems. In fact, if you have healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy
insects, healthy birds, etc, your pest problems will greatly diminish.
Think twice before
you spray a pesticide on those pests. Imagine
what will happen to the beautiful songbird that eats the bug that was just
sprayed with a pesticide. Many of
the following beneficials not only eat insect pests but also feed on pollen and
nectar. So even if you didn't
actually spray them, you could be spraying some of their food with an herbicide. Everything is inter-connected and
dependent on the next.
Aphid Midges
Many different aphids
Feed on pollen and nectar
Nocturnal flying insects
Provide shelter such as a bat house, barn, etc. and
Many kinds of insects and worms
Plant fruit bearing trees and shrubs, provide food
and water, install birdhouses
Braconid Wasps & Parasitic Wasps
Aphids, beetle larvae, moth larvae
Adults feed on pollen and nectar
Ground Beetle
Slugs, snails, cutworms, root maggots, and Colorado
Potato beetle
Live under rocks, logs, etc, and in perennial ground
Green & Brown Lacewings
Aphids, mealybugs, scale, moth eggs, mites, thrips,
small caterpillars, soft-bodied insects
Eggs over-winter on plants. Adults feed on pollen and nectar. Spread purchased larvae in a large area to promote
Hover flies, Flower Flies, Syrphid Flies
Aphids, mealybugs, mites, thrips
Adults feed on pollen and nectar. Bodies have black and yellow
Ladybeetles, Ladybugs
Aphids, mealybugs, scale, whiteflies, spider mites
Some ladybeetles migrate, other types over-winter in
leaf litter.
Praying Mantis
Aphids, beetles, bugs, caterpillars, flies, wasps,
leafhoppers. Unfortunately
they also will eat bees, butterflies and other desirables.
Egg cases are attached to stems and twigs for
over-wintering. Praying Mantis
is very territorial.
Predatory Bugs: assassin bug, solider bug,
big-eyed bug, minute pirate bug, ambush bug, damsel bug
Aphids, beetle larvae, leafhopper, nymphs, spider
mites, thrips, corn earworms, insect eggs
Seek garden litter for shelter and bunch type grasses
Predatory Mites
Citrus red mites, cyclamen mites, European red mites,
rust mites, two-spotted spider mites, thrips
Thrive in high humidity. Mites can't survive in low
humidity and low temps slow reproduction rate.
Milky Spore Disease
Japanese Beetle Grubs
Apply to soil, remains effective for 10 - 15 years.
Nematodes, Beneficial
Beetle grubs, borers, cutworms, weevils, fleas,
armyworms, cucumber & Colorado potato beetle larvae, fungus gnats,
Japanese and June beetle grubs, termites, sod webworms, onion maggot,
walnut husk fly, raspberry cane borer
Effective insect controller only in juvenile stage. Apply to soil above 50 degrees.
Rove Beetles
Aphids, fly eggs, maggots, mites, nematodes, slugs,
Very versatile in habitat
Small rodents and insects
Provide shelter for them such as rocks, brush, etc.
Solider Beetles
Aphids, beetle larvae, grasshopper's eggs, moth
larvae. Will also eat
caterpillars including butterfly caterpillars
Adults feed on pollen and nectar preferring
goldenrod. Eggs laid in soil
or mulch with both adult and larvae as predators.
Feed on insects of all sorts
Perennial plants provide shelter for spiders,
encourage by leaving webs intact
Tacinid Flies
Cutworms, army worms, tent caterpillars, cabbage
loopers, gypsy moths, sawflies, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, and sow
Feed on pollen and nectar
Toads and Frogs
Slugs and many insects
Provide water and shelter
Trichogramma Wasps
Cabbage Worms, cutworms, moth eggs, leaf-roller
caterpillars, corn earworm
Pest eggs are parasitize. Adults feed on nectar preferring
Queen Anne's Lace, daisies, and carrot family plants.
Slugs and many insects
Provide water and shelter
Slugs and many insects
Provide water and shelter
Some of these items are available through Gardens
Alive! and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply - groworganic.com.
